Sunday 21 February 2016

Fallout 4 Assaultron

Fallout 4 Assaultron

The assaultron is a type of robot encountered in The Commonwealth in Fallout 4.

The assaultron robot was constructed by RobCo and sold to the US Military as a front-line wartime combatant. It is fast and deadly at close range, and employs a devastating laser at a distance. The dominator variant can enable stealth technology. Assaultrons' perception seems to be significantly higher than other enemies', making them nearly impossible to sneak up on and hack without using a Stealth Boy.

The assaultron's body seems to be modelled after that of a female figure. They are highly aggressive, fast and some will attack the Sole Survivor on sight. The assaultron's face will become surrounded with red electric energy when it is preparing its laser beam attack. The dominator variant lacks this ability, instead being equipped with a stealth field.

An assaultron's laser can be halted or avoided by using jet and stepping out of the way, killing it or doing enough damage to its head. If it is allowed to charge its laser all the way, and if not blocked by an object, will deal very large amounts of damage to the player.

Assaultrons' weak points are their legs. However, when these are destroyed, the assaultron will continue to pursue the target by crawling on the ground. After taking sufficient damage, they will charge a potentially deadly explosion as a last desperate attempt to eliminate the target. Killing them before they can activate it will result in a normal death.

They can be very difficult for low level players to face head on due to their fast speed and powerful attacks. A notable ability they have is being able to side step, making them difficult to hit with semi-automatic weapons. While their laser is fully charged they are also capable of grabbing an opponent at close range and firing their laser directly into a victim's head.

Energy weapons seem to deal the most damage against assaultrons.

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