Saturday 20 February 2016

Pro Gamer Manager

Pro Gamer Manager

Build and manage your own progaming team

Work your way up as an amateur gamer to founding an professional esport organisation from scratch. Build your team piece by piece, and reach for the big leagues.

Become the leader of an esport organisation and gain worldwide fans. It's your choice, but in the end only one thing matters: Carry hard or get rekt both in term of recruitment, staff management, finances, contracts and sponsors, training programs, leave nothing to chance. You are in the hot-seat, where every decision will be crucial in your bid for victory!

Build your own career

Start from nothing, choose your role as Support, Jungler, ADC, Mid or Toplane. Shape your own playstyle. Choose between hundreds of different ways to improve. Keep that KDA as high as possible. Become an international star.

Build your team

Once you proven yourself you can move into larger gaming facilties, recruit a team and train them and unlock new options as you progress. Shape the future for your own esport team.

Aim for the big leagues

Gain cash and fans to unlock upgrades and opportunitys. Participate in a range of competitions ranging from Local Amateur Leagues to Pro Leagues.

Make hard choices

As your esport team grow more wealthy and prosperous you can use resources to improve your own skill or your teammates, can you carry hard enough or you want to depend others?

Practice your own skill, use esportpoints to focus improvements on a particular area

Gain new insights every day and make strategic choices in all aspects

Move to bigger facilites and help your team adapt to new enviroments

Recruit and train new team members, choose strategies and tactics.

Attend tournaments for fame and glory and prizemoney.

Keep an eye open for those new upcomers that will wreck the ladders, make sure they join your team.

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